Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Lettere A Colori: Descrizioni di dipinti nella corrispondenza di Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Even if not specifically connected to the topic of this blog, I want to outline my recent publication on NINES (a peer-reviewed online forum on Nineetenth Century) founded by Jerome McGann.

My work is Lettere A Colori: Descrizioni di dipinti nella corrispondenza di Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Give a look if you are curious, it deals with Dante Gabriel Rossetti's letters that describe paintings . If you want to know more read the introductory essay I wrote. The exhibition concerns some of Rossetti's letters that I have translated because extraordinarily related to his and others' paintings. Technically they are called ekphraseis (from the Greek word).

This work is part of my PhD research that is going to be published soon with Bonanno Editore. Enjoy!

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