Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Call for Reviews - Crossings. Journal of Migration and Culture

Dear all,
as you probably know I am the review editor of Crossings: Journal of Migration and Culture.
I am looking for two reviewers for next issue. See below the list of books I have available at the moment. Let me know if you are interested in reviewing one of these interesting books.
The review should be approximately 800-1000 words.
Please contact me at f.mazzara@ucl.ac.uk.


Matthew Carr, Fortress Europe. Dispatches from a Gated Continent, London: Hurst, 2012, 295 pages.

Eric D. Smith, Globalization, Utopia, and Postcolonial Science Fiction. New Maps of Hope, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, 244 pages.

H. Adlai Mursoch, Creolizing the Metropole. Migrant Caribbean Identities in Literature and Film, Bloomington: Indiana UP, 2012, 391 pages.

Roland Sintos Coloma, et.al. (eds.), Filipinos in Canada. Disturbing Invisibility, Toronto-Buffalo-London: University of Toronto Press, 2012, 441 pages.

Saloni Mathur, (ed.), The Migrant's Time: Rethinking Art History and Diaspora, New Haven-London: Yale UP, 2011, 272 pages.

Keith Jakobs, Experience and Representation. Contemporary Perspective on Migration in Australia, Farnham: Ashgate, 2011, 164 pages.

Radhika Chopra, Militant and Migrant. The Politics and Social History of Punjab, London-New York: Routledge, 2011, 150 pages.

Harald Bauder, Immigration Dialectic. Imagining Community, Economy, and Nation, Toronto-Buffalo-London: University of Toronto Press, 2011, 305 pages.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

New Issue of Crossings: Journal of Migration and Culture

HI there!

it's my pleasure to announce the publication of the new issue of Crossings: Journal of Migration and Culture. 
This issue also contains my article Beyond Italian Borders: Amara Lakhous and the Mediterranean Alternative.

Just to remind you that I am the review editor of this journal. If you have any interest in reviewing a book on migration and culture, or suggesting a book to be reviewed please email me.


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Transnational Italy. National Identity and the World Atlas - University of reading 13-14 July 2012

Another interesting upcoming conference especially for those of you interested in Italian Studies.
The conference called Translational Italy. National Identity and the World Atlas is the Society for Italian Studies 2012 Interim Conference and is organized by the Italian Department of the University of Reading. There's a beautifully made website very informative and detailed.
The conference will take place on the 13th and 14th of July 2012.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Displacement, Resistance, Representation - Queen Mary University of London 28-29 June 2012


Please join us at the conference Displacement, Resistance and Representation organized by the Centre for the Study of Migration (Queen Mary University of London). I'll be there presenting a paper on "Bodies of Lampedusa. Migration, Law and the Image".
All details (including the programme) of the conference can be found here.There is also a dedicated facebook page!

This is the abstract of my paper:

Lampedusa, a tiny island that belongs politically to Italy and geographically to Africa, is today the most controversial place within the Mediterranean. It lives off tourism for nearly eight months a year but it is forced to deal almost daily with what is commonly perceived, in public opinion, as an ‘invasion of Europe’ by migrants from the African continent. This paper aims at analysing on the one hand, the legal, political and mass-media discourses, with their related construction of normative practices, that influence the public imagery of the ‘others’; and on the other, the representation of these subjects in visual discourses, from mass media to cinema and visual art.
For a variety of reasons that this paper intends to explore, migrants are most commonly considered and represented as ‘bodies without words’ (Agamben 2005). The paper will show how the aesthetics of the migrant body can lend a ‘voice’ to alternative ways in which we may imagine and reconsider the conditions under which contemporary migration challenges Italian and European politics, ethics and aesthetics. In particular, the focus of the paper will be the representation of migrant bodies of Lampedusa under three specific forms: compressed bodies in containers and boats, floating or drowned corpses and clandestine bodies within Italy and Europe.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

CRONEM Annual Conference 26-27 June 2012

Just a reminder about this upcoming conference organied by the Centre for the Research on Nationalism, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism (University of Surrey) in collaboration with the UCL Migration Research Unit. The topic of this year conference is The Future of Multiculturalism: Structures, Integration Policies and Practices. 
Find all details here.

Amnesty International Human Rights Camp in Lampedusa (14-21 July 2012)

This is an exciting news. The first Amnesty International Human Rights Camp will take place 14-21 July in Lampedusa. You can find all details of this initiave here.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Love in the Time of the Frontier - Film Screenings UCL 16 May 2012

It's with great pleasure that I announce this coming event. The Italian journalist Gabriele del Grande, known especially for his contribution to the study of immigration into Italy and for the incredibly informative blog he has created called Fortress Europe (an indespensable source of information on migratory catastrophes) will be at UCL on Wednesday 16th of May 2012. He will present the three short movies he produced, by director Alexandra D'Onofrio who will also be present. The event is organized by Alice Elliot (UCL Social Anthropology) Hope to see you there! [Wednesday 16th of May 2012, 5-7pm. UCL Anthropology Department, 14 Taviton St, London WC1H 0BW. Daryll Forde Seminar Room] Download the flyer of the event below!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Call for Paper: DISPLACEMENT, RESISTANCE, REPRESENTATION: Culture and Power in Contexts of Migrancy 28-29 June 2012 Queen Mary University of London


Call for Papers

Culture and Power in Contexts of Migrancy

The Centre for the Study of Migration at Queen Mary, University of
London is pleased to announce a Call For Papers for a conference to be
held on June 28th and 29th 2012.

This conference takes its cue from the mobilization of popular modes
of resistance witnessed in the course of 2011 both through the Arab
Spring and the Occupy movement. Its aim is to connect such mass
resistance to wider existing contexts of collective displacement and
migrancy. By focusing on cultural representation (understood in the
widest sense to include the media and the arts), it seeks to address
the role of culture in negotiating resistance and representation for
those who have been displaced or cast into migrancy for a variety of
reasons that range from the economic to the political to the ecological.

Proposals for papers are invited on a range of topics of global and
comparative focus relating to questions of representation for the
displaced. The following themes are some examples of the questions and
issues that will be addressed:
- the role of culture in negotiating displacement
- the role of culture in forging modes of resistance
- the political relevance of cultural representation for the displaced
- negotiation and empowerment in contexts of displacement

Proposals are invited from academics, postgraduate research students,
artists, cultural performers and those working in the areas of culture
and migration. Papers should last no more than 20 minutes. Abstracts
and a brief bio-data of 250 words should be sent to Professor Parvati
Nair (p.nair@qmul.ac.uk) by no later than May 2nd 2012.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Call for Papers: Imaginary Europe _13 September 2012

A call for papers for those interested in the construction of 'imaginary versions of Europe'. Deadline for submitting an abstract is the 12th of March 2012.
Find all details here.

MIGRATIONS_exhibition at the Tate Britain

This ia a terrific exhibition. I went with my fourth year students and we were all impressed by the wide range of items displayed from 1500 to the present day.
Please go if you can. The exhibition remains open till 12 August 2012.

UCL Urban Migration Film Festival_UCL Archeology 15 February 2012

This is a promising film festival on Urban Migration. It is organized by the UCL Department of Anthropology. I'm planning to go, and can't wait to watch some of these films. Please note a registration is required.

Call for Papers: special issue on Gender, Religion and Migration

An interesting CALL FOR PAPER on the interconnection of migration, religion and gender.

Please find all detais here.

Deadline for sending an abstract is Monday 27 February 2012.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

A New Italian Political Cinema?_Manchester 27-28 January 2012

Dear friends,
I have been invited to Manchester to chair and introduce a panel within a conference called 'A New Italian Political Cinema?", that will take place on the 27th and 28th of January 2012. You can find al details here

The panel is titled 'Sguardi diversi sul dramma della migrazione'. Find below an abstract of my introductory paper.

Il cinema della migrazione in Italia

Nell’ultimo decennio, l’etichetta di ‘cinema italiano della migrazione’ è stata adoperata per indicare una produzione cinematografica che volge lo sguardo a questioni legate all’arrivo in Italia - almeno dagli anni Ottanta in poi - di un numero sempre crescente di ‘ospiti’, ‘stranieri’, ‘immigrati’, ‘extracomunitari’, ‘clandestini’, ecc.
Da Amelio in poi, passando per Placido, Garrone, Mazzacurati, Comencini, Munzi fino ad arrivare all’ultimo Crialese, la questione degli immigrati in Italia è stata affrontata in modo più o meno ‘cronicistico’, con l’intento di offrire uno sguardo più ‘intimo’ sui soggetti migranti, la cui rappresentazione sarebbe altrimenti limitata a quella della sola TV e della stampa, mezzi quest’ultimi che fanno spesso da eco ad un discorso politico mirato a strumentalizzare la questione dell’immigrazione in Italia.
Per quanto lo sforzo di gran parte di questi registi italiani sia apprezzabile, anche semplicemente per aver contribuito a risvegliare l’attenzione del cinema sui soggetti migranti in Italia, resta il fatto che per la maggior parte dei casi si tratta di tentativi fini a se stessi che limitano lo sguardo ad aspetti poco innovativi, soprattutto riguardo ai modi di produzione. Siamo lontani, in Italia, dal cinema ‘accentato’ di cui parla Hamid Naficy, dove l'accento emana dalla dislocazione (displacement) del regista e dai modi di produzione ‘interstiziali’. Pochi e timidi tentativi (Theo Eshetu, Hedy Krissane, Mohamed Zineddaine), suggeriscono che un cinema accentato sarà forse possibile anche in Italia.

Looking forward to this event!